Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jon, Jason, Connor & Jillian at the Pistons Game

Jon & Jason took Connor & Jillian to the Pistons game last night. Jason shared these pictures:

Jillian, Uncle Jon & Connor

Jillian shooting free throws

Connor shooting free throws

Taking care of Kid Rock's
courtside seats while he's on tour.

Jason, Jillie & Connor

Jillie with the Automation Dancers

Jillie & Connor

Jillie with Hooper

Connor with Hooper

Connor was saying how he loves to trick his Mom by putting Saran wrap on the toilet. Jillian says, "Yeah, that one never gets old". OMG - they are soooooo much like their Dad!

We moved to Mesa on Thursday. It was only 5 degrees in Benson on Wednesday night and was going to stay cold for a few days. The water line to our kitchen sink froze up, so we found a really nice park in Mesa, got a refund from the park in Benson and moved. It's going to be in the 70's here this weekend, so it was a good choice!

You KNOW it was cold on Wednesday
if Bob was wearing jeans & a jacket!

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