Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Our year hasn't started out too good. Jason and the grandkids left this morning for Michigan. Last night the heater core on our truck blew, so we are staying in Titusville for a couple of extra days until we can get the truck fixed. We really didn't want to try towing the trailer 130 miles and worrying about the truck overheating. We had a fantastic 4 days with the grandkids (AND Jason!) We are totally wore out, but it was well worth it. They had a blast and are not looking forward to going back to snow after swimming in the Atlantic yesterday. I took over 1,000 pictures while they were here. Thank goodness for digital cameras. I burnt 4 discs for Jason last night so he would have a copy of all the pictures. The kids asked me to print them copies of the alligator, snake, space shuttle on the launch pad and Disney for them to take to school. This was certainly a memorable Christmas vacation for them!

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