Today we visited the Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine. It was so interesting and informative. To think that we were standing where Ponce de Leon arrived in 1513 is amazing. We drank some of the mineral water from the Fountain of Youth Spring, although we don't expect to return to our youth any time soon. Tomorrow morning we head out to Georgia on our trek north to Michigan.

The cross of stones was discovered in this location
next to the Fountain of Youth and it is believed to
have been placed there by Ponce de Leon in 1513.
The cross is 15 rocks across and 13 rocks from top
bottom and they assume that signified the year
they were placed there.
This is the "Fountain of Youth" spring. Once St.
Augustine become a heavily populated city, the
water level dropped and today the spring is
200 ft. below ground level.

A skink lizard... I had never seen one

300-year-old pots on the


This globe was 54 ft. in circumference
and 2 stories tall. It was lit from
inside and is the only one of it's

A rare albino peacock

Statue of Juan Ponce de Leon

Reinactors on the grounds

Great heron

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