Monday, September 30, 2013

Anthony, Texas

Another overnight stop in Anthony, Texas.  Anthony is west
of El Paso & right on the New Mexico border.  We always
seem to forget how large El Paso is. 
I really liked how this embankment was painted.

I even liked this one.

Only in Texas...70 mph speed limit on a 2-lane road.

And 80 mph speed limit on the interstate.

Juarez, Mexico - across the border from El Paso.
What a ghetto!

Another view of Juarez.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Midland, Texas

We're here for just an overnight stop, but we did manage to meet up with friends that we haven't seen in about 3 years.  It was a great visit...just too brief.
Wind turbines.

Lisa & Al at Texas Roadhouse in Midland. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Glen Rose, Texas - Fort Worth Area

We are in Glen Rose, Texas for 3 days.  We are at Tres Rios RV Park, which is very nice.
In-N-Out Burger in Fort Worth.  M-m-m-m-m!!!
It's been too long...we needed a fix!  :-) 

The crossed palms (In-N-Out Logo)'s a
beautiful thang!
Rockwall County Courthouse

Los Primos Mexican Restaurant.  This place was very
large & crowded.  It was easy to see why...the food was
excellent!  We'll definitely go back here when in this area.

An interesting building in Glen Rose.

A neat fireplace in our park.

Live Oak trees in our park.  Love the branches!

The Somervell County Courthouse in historic
Courthouse Square.  Built in 1893.

"Barnards of the Brazos (River)" - First family
of Glen Rose.  At Courthouse Square.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ashdown, Arkansas

We are in Ashdown, Arkansas for two days.  This is on the border of Texas, next to Texarkana.
The Arkansas River

The river from our campsite.

Our rig in Millwood Landing Resort.

The railcar apartments in Ashdown.  Only in Arkansas!  :-)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Memphis Area

We arrived at Tom Sawyer's Mississippi River RV Park in West Memphis, Arkansas this afternoon.  Our site is right on the river, with our large back window looking out on the river.  We've been coming to this park for 18 years.
The Pyramid Arena in Memphis.  We went to
the Ringling Brothers Circus here many years ago.

The mighty Mississippi from the bridge between
Memphis, TN and West Memphis, AR.

A barge going by our campsite.

Another view of the barge.

Another barge going by our site.

Close-up of that barge.  We're talking

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Elizabethtown, Kentucky

We had a great day today visiting with friends & family.  We met our friends, Paul & Rosemary, who are from Louisville at Ruby Tuesday's in Etown for lunch.  It was so nice to visit with them & do some catching up!  Tonight we met some of Bob's family at Tumbleweed in Etown for dinner.  It used to be my very favorite restaurant, but they have removed filet mignon from their menu, so they have fallen way down on my list now.  :-(  We did have a great time, though & need to get down this way more often!  Tomorrow morning we leave for a few days in Memphis.  It's been a while since we've been there & are anxious to get back to Beale Street!
Paul & Rosemary at Ruby Tuesday's

Christian, Rob & Tricia's grandson.  He is so cute
& was amazingly well-behaved for a 3-year-old!

Rob & Tricia.  Rob is Bob's cousin Marlene's son.

Jacque, Bob's cousin Penni's daughter-in-law

Christian riding the pony.

Bob, me, Jacque, Penni & Rob

Bob, me, Penni, Rob, Christian & Tricia

Friday, September 20, 2013

Central Harding High School Homecoming Game

We left Hartland, MI yesterday morning & arrived in Elizabethtown, KY yesterday afternoon.  Last night we went to visit Bob's cousin, Penni.  Tonight we went to the Central Hardin HS football game.  Three of Penni's grandsons play on the team.  We planned to tailgate before the game, but cancelled it because of the forecast of rain.  It rained lightly during the first half, but at halftime it really was coming down.  I went to the truck, but Bob & the rest of them toughed it out until the end of the game.  Both teams were 4-0 before tonight & Central Hardin won 28-19  It was a great game, too bad the rain came! 
Josh Krupinski #84


Gavin Krupinski #23

Josh #84

Koree Krupinski - QB - #5

Gavin #23

Jacque Krupinski - Josh's proud mama in the rain

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Connor & Jillian

Tonight we took Connor & Jillian out to dinner since it was going to be our last chance to see them before we leave Michigan.  Jason is in Portland, OR this week, so we took his turn.  We went to Applebee's for dinner & then to Dairy Queen for dessert.  Jillian's meal hadn't even hit the table yet when she asked if we could go to DQ for Blizzards.  :-)  Bob & I were shocked at how expensive taking them out has become.  What ever happened to the children's menu?!?!  ;-)
Jillian & Connor at Applebee's

Jillian & Connor - notice that Jillian is doing
homework & Connor is NOT.  :-)

Jillie being silly.  :-)

Connor & Jillian at DQ

Handsome Connor